PGY2: Internal Medicine (UC Medical Center)


Residency Program Director: Elizabeth Stacy, PharmD, BCPS
Program Code: 44014
National Matching Service (NMS) Code: 640456
Number of positions (2025-2026): 2
Application deadline: January 2
Start date: July 1

PGY2 pharmacy residency programs build on Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) education and PGY1 pharmacy residency training to contribute to the development of clinical pharmacists in specialized areas of practice. PGY2 residencies provide residents with opportunities to function independently as practitioners by conceptualizing and integrating accumulated experience and knowledge and incorporating both into the provision of patient care or other advanced practice settings. Residents who successfully complete an accredited PGY2 pharmacy residency are prepared for advanced patient care, academic, or other specialized positions, along with board certification, if available (ASHP ACCREDITATION STANDARD FOR POSTGRADUATE YEAR TWO (PGY2) PHARMACY RESIDENCY PROGRAMS Updated April 2017).

The purpose of the ASHP-accredited PGY2 Internal Medicine Pharmacy Residency at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center (UCMC) is to develop the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to become a successful Clinical Pharmacy Specialist in Internal Medicine. The program offers the ability to provide pharmaceutical care to a broad scope of Internal Medicine patients.

The following outline represents general program design and requirements for the PGY2 Internal Medicine Pharmacy Residency program at UCMC. The program includes a variety of patient care, drug policy/research, leadership, and education opportunities and will be tailored to meet the needs of an individual resident based on the resident development plan.


Residency Program Leadership

R1. Patient Care. Stephanie Parton, PharmD, BCPS Patient care experiences.
R2. Advancing Practice and Improving Patient Care. Kirsten Miller, PharmD, BCPS; Maria Guido, PharmD, BCPS; Ashley Scherreik, PharmD, BCPS Drug policy and medication use. Residency Project.
R2. Leadership and Management. Kayla Effinger, PharmD, BCPS Professional and interdisciplinary experiences.
R4. Education. Beth Stacy, PharmD, BCPS, Residency Program Director Didactic and experiential education.


Program Requirements

Requirements for entrance into the PGY2 Internal Medicine Pharmacy Residency align with the ASHP Standards for Accreditation of PGY2 residencies and include:

  • Doctor of Pharmacy degree from an AACP-accredited College of Pharmacy
  • Completion of an ASHP-accredited PGY1 Pharmacy Residency
  • Pharmacist licensure in the state of Ohio

The PGY2 Residency Certificate will be awarded with the completion of all established program requirements, including achievement of Required Competency Areas, Goals, and Objectives for PGY2 Internal Medicine Pharmacy Residency.


Direct Patient Care Learning Experiences

The PGY2 Internal Medicine program structure is based on clinical learning experiences evaluating objectives that align with Competency Areas R1, R2, and R3.

Required learning experiences are completed within the Department of Internal Medicine. The PGY2 resident will have the opportunity to select up to four elective learning experiences to complete during a 3-month period, which may include other specialty areas. Clinical interest areas will be aligned with other requirements of the residency program, including drug policy, residency project, leadership, and education, when possible. The below list of elective opportunities is not comprehensive and other elective learning experiences may be developed based on resident interest and preceptor availability.


Required Elective
Internal medicine 1, 2, 3, and 4 (5 months) Advanced heart failure
2 Subspecialty Months (Select 2 of 3): Nephrology, Neurology, or Cardiology Antimicrobial stewardship
Medical intensive care Hepatology/Digestive Diseases
Medicine subspecialty: pulmonary hypertension (longitudinal) Endocrinology
Clinical Pharmacokinetics (Cystic Fibrosis) Emergency medicine
Infectious diseases
Medicine Consult
Nutrition support


Drug Policy

The Drug Policy Development (DPD) longitudinal experience offers the PGY2 resident immersion into drug policy, process improvement, and formulary-level medication management. This component of the residency program incorporates objectives from Competency Area R2.

Formulary Management
The PGY2 resident will gain experience in formulary management, including oversight of the development of medication-related guidelines and policies, evaluation of the online formulary and therapeutic interchange program, and optimization of both the electronic medical record and pharmacy dispensing automation.

Pharmacy Morbidity, Mortality, and Improvement
The PGY2 resident will present one patient case identifying pharmacy-specific process improvement opportunities at the monthly Pharmacy Morbidity, Mortality, and Improvement (MMI) case conference. A written summary will be prepared for inclusion in the quarterly MMI continuing education publication.

Medication Use Evaluation (MUE)
The PGY2 resident will conduct an MUE. The MUE generally aligns in focus with other DPD or subspecialty experience and will be presented by the resident to key committee stakeholders within the health system.

Elective Opportunities
In addition to required educational experiences, the resident will have the opportunity to pursue a longitudinal drug policy elective focused on formulary management and drug supply chain.


Residency Project

This residency project is completed over the course of the academic year and incorporates objectives from Competency Areas R2 and E5.

Longitudinal Project
The PGY2 resident will have the choice of completing the required longitudinal residency project within one of two tracks: process improvement or traditional research. The process improvement track will require the resident to be involved in the initiation, sustainment, and evaluation of a new process improvement or practice advancement. The traditional research track will include a retrospective clinical evaluation. The resident will receive direct mentorship from members of the project group and other expert personnel. A timeline is established by the resident and his/her project to ensure the resident stays on schedule for the completion of residency objectives.

Poster Presentation
The PGY2 pharmacy resident will present project design at the Vizient® Consortium Pharmacy Network Meeting, project update at the Great Lakes Pharmacy Residents Conference, and complete results at the UCMC Pharmacy Research Symposium. Additional opportunities are available for the resident to submit for consideration to present at local, regional, and national forums.

Platform Presentation
Full results of the residency project will be presented during at least one of several potential regional forums.

Publication Opportunities
The resident is required to complete a full project report suitable for publication as a residency program requirement. The resident will be encouraged, with guidance and assistance from the project team, to develop a manuscript to submit to a peer-reviewed journal for consideration.



The leadership component of the PGY2 Internal Medicine Pharmacy Residency focuses on objectives within Competency Areas R3 and E5. The structure supports high-level involvement of the PGY2 resident in department-level and interdisciplinary collaboration.

Pharmacy Grand Rounds
Pharmacy Grand Rounds (PGR) is a weekly educational platform presentation sponsored by the Department of Pharmacy that provides 1 hour of ACPE accredited CE. The PGY2 internal medicine resident will be responsible for two, one-hour PGRs during the residency year.

  • PGR 1: The purpose of PGR 1 is the creation of continuing education for the Department of Pharmacy. The resident may choose to present on his/her residency research project or a topic of their choice. PGR 1 will be developed in accordance with the requirements of ACPE continuing education.
  • PGR 2: For PGR 2, the resident has the option of the following: traditional educational presentation, non-traditional presentation (e.g., clinical debate, interactive learning), or facilitation of an outside speaker.

Committee Involvement
The PGY2 internal medicine resident will serve as the pharmacy representative for the interdisciplinary Inpatient Clinical Council meeting and as a facilitator of the Medical/Surgical Pharmacy Subcommittee. The resident will also have the opportunity to select involvement in other pharmacy and multidisciplinary committees, including the Drug Policy Development Anti-infective Subcommittee, Falls Prevention Committee, Medication Administration Team, Pharmacy Process Improvement Committee, Pharmacy Transitions of Care Committee, DiabetesNOW, Pharmacy Education Committee, or other committees based on the resident’s interest.

Elective Opportunities
In addition to required educational experiences, the resident will have the opportunity to pursue a longitudinal drug leadership elective focused on either service learning or pharmacy administration.

Professional Conferences

Several opportunities are available to PGY2 pharmacy residents for intra- and inter-professional development through attendance at meetings, conferences, and research forums.

  • Each year, residents have the opportunity to participate in the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting and the Vizient Consortium Pharmacy Network Meeting.
  • Results of residency projects will be presented in platform format at one of several potential research forums.
  • The PGY2 internal medicine resident may have the opportunity to attend an additional conference with department support based on available funding.

Peer Review
Opportunities to review publications submitted by pharmacist peers will be scheduled regularly throughout the residency and will be executed under guided mentorship from residency program preceptors.


The internal medicine pharmacy resident will complete core educational activities integrated longitudinally throughout the academic year related to objectives from Competency Areas R3, R4, and E1. Baseline requirements include one didactic lecture at the University of Cincinnati College of Pharmacy, introductory and primary precepting experiences for Doctor of Pharmacy candidates on Advanced Practice Learning Experiences (APPEs), one formal educational activity for an audience of medical residents and internal medicine attending physicians, and completion of a national journal club hosted by the American College of Clinical Pharmacy Adult Medicine PRN.

Elective Opportunities

In addition to baseline opportunities, the resident will choose between an Advanced Didactic Education Pathway (ADEP) and an Advanced Experiential Education Pathway (AEEP). The ADEP provides additional training for residents interested in developing their skills in graduate-level classroom education and is appropriate for individuals interested in pursuing a future career with mixed clinical and didactic components. The AEEP provides the resident with increased opportunities for precepting, professional pharmacy meeting presentations, and interdisciplinary education. Residents completing the AEEP will have the skills necessary to provide the extensive array of educational activities expected of a clinical pharmacy specialist.

Both PGY1 and PGY2 residents will have the opportunity to participate in the Pharmacy Teaching Certificate Program. This program is sponsored by the University of Cincinnati James L. Winkle College of Pharmacy and is offered annually to all residents in the Greater Cincinnati area.


Residency Application Process

All required items must be received by January 2nd to complete the program application. Incomplete applications may not be considered for residency candidacy. Please submit the following items via PhORCAS:

  • A letter of intent describing your reasons for applying to the program and interests within the pharmacy profession
  • A current Curriculum Vitae
  • Transcript from College of Pharmacy
  • Three letters of recommendation (utilizing PhORCAS format)


Program Contact

Elizabeth Stacy, PharmD, BCPS
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Internal Medicine and Nephrology
Program Director, PGY2 Internal Medicine Pharmacy Residency

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