Living Liver Donation

Donating a portion of your healthy liver is a significant gift, and the decision must be entered into with a full understanding of the living liver donation process.

Compassionate Healing Starts Here

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Living organ donations can help save a life. Our innovative and leading-edge program provides personalized care to our patients in all phases of transplant.

For more information or to schedule an appointment call 513-584-8313.

Help Along the Way

Answers to Your Living Liver Donation Questions

Transplant Recipient

  • Shorter wait time to receive a liver transplant.
  • Reduces the risk of worsening disease, such as liver failure.
  • Preplanned surgical donation date.
  • Optimal donor graft.
  • Shorter ischemic time.
  • Improved long-term outcomes.
  • Faster recovery time.

Transplant Donor

  • Once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
  • Benefits both the recipient and another candidate on the waiting list.

Within eight to 12 weeks after liver donation, the liver from the living donor will regenerate to its full capacity at 90-100% of its original size prior to donation.

  • Volunteers 18-60 years old.
  • Compatible blood group.
  • Excellent health.
  • Is able to understand and consent to evaluation and to surgery.

Step 1: Volunteering or coming forward with the willingness to donate.

Step 2: Complete the donor questionnaire. Basic information about your health will be requested to determine if you are healthy enough to be evaluated for donation. If the initial screening is passed, plans to test your blood will be arranged.

Step 3: Your blood is tested to determine if your blood group is compatible with your intended recipient.

Step 4: Your nurse will contact you to inform you of blood group compatibility.

Step 5: If your blood type matches the intended recipient or you are willing to donate anonymously, we will schedule your initial visit with our Living Donation Transplant Team for psychosocial/medical evaluation and testing.

Step 6: Both the independent living donor advocate and hepatologist will call you to obtain a brief history and answer questions you may have.

Step 7: You will meet the Living Donation Liver Transplant Team and complete the informed consent to evaluate and proceed with scheduled imaging. The imaging that can be expected to be performed consists of a chest X-ray, EKG, CT/ of the abdomen/MRI of the abdomen and MRCP to better evaluate the biliary vasculature.

Step 8: Your completed tests are reviewed by a transplant surgeon and hepatologist. If the imaging meets the standards and criteria, the remainder of the evaluation diagnostic testing will be scheduled.

Step 9: The remaining test results are reviewed by the transplant team.

Step 10: Your psychosocial and medical evaluation will be discussed among the Transplant Committee. The committee will determine if you are an eligible candidate at this time. The committee consists of a:

  • Transplant surgeon.
  • Hepatologist.
  • Independent living donor advocate.
  • RN transplant coordinator.
  • Registered dietician.
  • Pharmacist.
  • Financial counselor.

Step 11: The committee will come to a decision regarding your eligibility for donation, and you will be notified by your living donation transplant coordinator.

Step 12: If you are approved, a date for donation surgery will be scheduled.

Step 13: You will have a second appointment with our team and an appointment with anesthesia for a preoperative visit. You may require a chest X-ray and EKG at this appointment.

Step 14: You will be admitted to UC Medical Center for donation surgery.

Step 15: A follow-up appointment will be made for you to return 10-14 days after surgery. You will meet with the transplant surgeon.

Step 16: You will have required follow-up visits at two weeks, six months, one year and two years after donation.

Within eight to 12 weeks after liver donation, the liver will regenerate to its full capacity at 90-100% of its original size prior to donation.

The evaluation consists of a psychosocial and medical evaluation.

The psychosocial evaluation will be completed by the independent living donor advocate who will assess mental health history, substance abuse history and financial ability.

The medical evaluation will be completed by the hepatologist and transplant surgeon who will assess your medical history, perform a physical exam and review extensive blood tests and diagnostic imaging to assure you are safe to donate a portion of your liver.

All donor information is kept confidential.

Most costs for the living donor are covered by the recipient’s insurance coverage. However, this may vary with individual insurance payers.

If you have questions about payments, one of our financial counselors will be happy to assist you.

Why UC Health

Experience and Expertise

Pioneers in Organ Transplantation

UC Medical Center is home to Greater Cincinnati’s only comprehensive adult organ transplant program.

Faster Wait Times for Patients

On average, our patients are transplanted faster than many other transplant centers, according to the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients.

Exceptional Patient Outcomes

Patient outcomes for kidney, liver and pancreas transplants at UC Health are consistently at or above the national average.

Partnering to Deliver Optimal Care

Transplant surgeons at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center will also assist in the surgeries through an existing partnership between Greater Cincinnati’s only adult and pediatric transplant programs.

How You Can Help

Saving A Life Starts With Organ Donation.

Living organ donors are responsible for giving new life to thousands of patients every year, and people who direct their organs to donation after death are responsible for thousands more. Are you ready to give the gift of life?

Contact Us

At UC Health, we lead the region in scientific discoveries and embrace a spirit of purpose – offering our patients and their families something beyond everyday healthcare. At UC Health, we offer hope.
