Clinical Study

A Study To Evaluate The Safety And Effectiveness Of A New Antiseizure Drug Called Xen1101

Posted Date: Jun 12, 2019

  • Investigator: Brian Moseley
  • Specialties: Epilepsy, Neurology
  • Type of Study: Drug

The purpose of this study is to investigate the safety and effectiveness of a new antiseizure drug called XEN1101 in patients with partial (aka focal) onset seizures that haven't responded to 1-3 other antiseizure drugs.


Male And Female Patients Between 18 And 75 Years Of Age, Diagnosed With Partial (Aka Focal) Epilepsy And Still Having 4 Or More Partial Seizures Per Month Despite Treatment With 1-3 Other Antiseizure Drugs.


Epilepsy, Seizure

For More Information:

Donna Schwieterman