
Training tailored to match your career goals

We offer a variety of interactive programs at all levels, providing a strong foundation of knowledge and critical hands-on experience. And our world-renowned faculty’s commitment to cutting-edge research and science-driven patient care provides students, residents and fellows with many unique educational opportunities.

Specialized academic tracts for medical students

Our specialty academic programs are helping future physicians and researchers make discoveries about the human system that will aid in the discovery of novel cardiovascular therapies, impacting the scope of patient care worldwide.

Academic programs

  • Pharmacology and Cell Biophysics: This program educates students in the foundations of drug actions and clinical therapies in the context of application to human patients.
  • Pathology and Laboratory Medicine: This program educates students about uniting contemporary investigative research in biomedical sciences with an understanding of human disease and the challenges that face effective treatment.
  • Molecular Genetics, Biochemistry and Microbiology: This program is tailored to help students learn the basics behind the mechanisms of human disease and pathology, using techniques from a range of biomedical disciplines.
  • Internal Medicine: This program is aimed at teaching medical students, residents and fellows the most innovative, efficient processes in patient care within clinical settings.
  • Molecular and Cellular Physiology: This program teaches students the modern tools of molecular and cell biology and how to look more deeply into the affect molecules have on cell function.
  • Molecular Cardiovascular Biology: This program teaches students to look at the role of molecules systemically, but specifically how they impact heart cells, tissues and muscles in pediatric populations.