At UC Health, we lead the region in scientific discoveries and embrace a spirit of purpose – offering our patients and their families something beyond everyday healthcare. At UC Health, we offer hope.
Innovation, compassion and leading-edge kidney and pancreas expertise, right here in Cincinnati.
Call for more information or to schedule an appointment.
Kidney and pancreas disease and transplant patients need extraordinary options and exceptional care. And they need it nearby, not hours away. Our research, clinical trials and innovation have helped to turn obstacles into opportunities. While patients may wait up to three years for transplants at other hospitals, the average wait time for our transplant patients is 7.5 months. We’re passionate about making successful transplantation an option for more people
We pioneered Greater Cincinnati transplantation in 1967, and since then, we’ve helped thousands of people start life anew with kidney, liver, pancreas and heart transplants. We understand the complex challenges that can come with eligibility evaluation, transplant preparation, surgery, recovery and post-transplant life. Begin your journey by learning how we will educate and prepare you for your new life.
The best medical programs in the world are part of leading-edge research aimed at improving public health and developing new medical treatments. As the Region’s only adult academic medical center, we house vibrant research programs that include ongoing clinical trials, actively initiating studies to bring new therapies and diagnostic tests to patients in Greater Cincinnati and around the world.
Nationally and internationally recognized for its research efforts, the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and UC Health has a long and distinguished history of medical discoveries. Our premier surgeon-scientists and postdoctoral researchers pursue innovative and exciting research, focused on applying their discoveries directly to the bedside to advance patient care.
We are committed to providing optimal care to your patient and open communication with you. As a referring physician, we understand that you need to be kept informed on your patient’s progress. That’s why we set up a toolbox to share detailed information about your patient’s health with you.
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Learn more about transplantation and treatments here.
Living organ donors are responsible for giving new life to thousands of patients every year, and people who direct their organs to donation after death are responsible for thousands more. Are you ready to give the gift of life?
Weight shouldn’t be a barrier to transplantation, so we founded the Transplant-Related Interdisciplinary Metabolic Surgery, or TRIMS, program. One surgeon and one team coordinate both a gastric procedure for weight loss and a transplant, increasing the chance for a successful transplant.
We never stop pushing to shorten transplant waiting times. Transplant patients are more successful with a safety net built through support from groups just like the ones we’ll introduce you to. Our team involves you in decisions about your care. Your referring physician needs to be kept informed on how you’re doing, so we set up a toolbox that shares detailed information on your health.
Certain conditions can make some patients too sensitized to receive a kidney transplant. Our Sensitized Patient Education and Evaluation Clinic, or SPEEC, program desensitizes the antibodies of these patients and makes kidney transplantation possible.
Our clinical trials, abstracts and research includes collaboration with other renowned institutions such as the Cleveland Clinic and University of British Columbia.
We have one of the highest rates in the U.S. of potential living donors going through with transplant surgery.
Almost 40 years later, Linda Bingham remains grateful for the lifesaving kidney-pancreas transplant that allowed her to live, raise her young daughter.
At UC Health, we lead the region in scientific discoveries and embrace a spirit of purpose – offering our patients and their families something beyond everyday healthcare. At UC Health, we offer hope.